Why Choose Home Care?

One of the most important decisions to make when considering the next steps for a loved one’s care relates to whether to introduce home care (also known as domiciliary care) or explore a residential solution. The cost implications are an important factor and can vary dramatically dependent on the level of care required.

What is it going to cost?

It is usually significantly more cost-effective to opt for daily home care than moving a loved one to a residential care home. The UK average cost for 14 hours of care a week is around £14,000 per year, compared to £27,000 – £39,000 per year to move into residential care. This additional cost is considerable and is not necessarily the best option for the service user or their family.

Can domiciliary care work for my loved one?

We often find that people assume full-time residential care is the only option available to them in terms of offering additional support to their loved one. In truth, many of our clients find that even a few hours of home care a day can have a huge impact on quality of life. Introducing a domiciliary carer twice a day to prepare meals, take the bins out and do any of the more routine but physically demanding tasks around the house is often sufficient to give families peace of mind.

Utilising home care to help service users continue with their day-to-day lives with relatively little disruption to their routine is essential. A survey of 4,600 people by CQC, found that one of the aspects of good care that was deemed to be most important was allowing the home care recipient to maintain their independence wherever possible. This can be achieved by ensuring that domiciliary carers learn an individual’s specific routines and limitations, meaning that they know not to interfere until it is actually necessary.

Surrounded by happy memories

Another key consideration is the disruption that moving home can bring. For many people requiring additional support, uprooting their lives to move into residential care can be very distressing, doing far more harm than good. Domiciliary care provides a far less disruptive alternative. It is also worth noting the positive impact that remaining in the family home, surrounded by happy memories can have on not only a person’s physical but also mental health.

Being part of the local community

More often than not, we have found that our clients are heavily involved in their local communities. Whether it is a weekly bridge club, a garden society or even the local parish council, these groups provide important social relationships. They’re also a fantastic way to keep the brain active and therefore help to maintain their mental health. Domiciliary carers enable our clients to continue living at home, ensuring that they have every opportunity to continue living their lives and doing what they love.

Every individual is different, requiring specific support and home care to suit their needs. This is why we offer a consultation process to ensure that our services are fully tailored to your requirements. To find out how we can help or for more information, get in touch by phone: 0203 002 7898, by email or via the contact form.